Archive for Demdike Stare


Posted in On Notice with tags , , , , on May 25, 2011 by jazner

REFRAIN FROM COWERING in fear of the ominous aesthetic of Manchester’s Demdike Stare.  See it as a rare opportunity to peek inside the mind of a psychopath, a window displaying the gears of a horror movie villain’s brain twisting and writhing in a slow descent from a semblance of sanity to deep end dementia.  Follow your curiosity and step onto the other side, where the ‘good guy’ is seen as the antagonist and oppressor, and darkness obscures the light.

After previous collaborations with videos for “Hashshashin Chant” and “Forest Of Evil (Dawn)”, “Violetta”, the latest single from Demdike Stare directed by LoveLockandLoad cult movie guru Jonny Redman, is the pair’s greatest synchronization of sound and imagery yet.

The soundtrack and the video’s erratic man in the blue suit seem to coexist in a deranged reality, teetering together towards an abysmal fall into insanity.

Clanging piano chords and the man’s shoreline stumble in the intro subtly point to a percolating tension, nerves about to be shot, frustration nearing its end, and an anxious hopelessness clouding one’s judgment.

Nervousness and danger ooze from the seams, the buzzing of bee-like strings fluttering with swoons of doom, a pattering rhythmic pulse keeping the track moving forward in angst filled suspense.

The climax shrieks at the 4′ mark, the hysteria of the blue suit man now unleashed, a torrent of knife wielding carelessness and the amalgamation of industrial drones and mechanical moans emanating from the screen.

Demdike Stare create high quality tracks that not only hit the gut with its bass but crawls under the skin with creepiness.  Check out the 3 piece anthology Tryptych and a previous jazner piece for more on the duo.

Demdike Stare

Posted in On Notice with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 4, 2011 by jazner

WADING THROUGH MURKY sound waves, entranced in a trawl of drones, a lateral soundscape swamp of industrial groans and nocturnal moans blankets a moonless night.

The Manchester duo Demdike Stare (Sean Canty and Miles Whittaker) is hiding somewhere in the shadows, orchestrating bellowing hums with their latest anthology Tryptych, which combines their previous three EPs, Forest Of Evil, Liberation Through Hearing, and Voices Of Dust, with a couple extra tracks sprinkled on top for your pleasure.

It’s easy to characterize Demdike Stare’s sound as ominous, perfect for a David Lynch soundtrack and about a beat away from becoming pure noise.

Yet there is a latent Eastern influence laced throughout their tracks, whether it’s the Tibetan throat singing conjured up throughout the series or the didgeridoo-like sounds in “The Stars Are Moving”, stretching Demdike Stare’s sound beyond these go-to characterizations to a more complex, diverse, and deeply textured creation.  The drones completely hypnotize while the persistent hammering beat allows you to stay engaged in a whirl of abstract booms.

“Hashshashin Chant” has a high intensity, tribal feel.  “Forest Of Evil (Dawn)” bangs with infernal drums, only to ease it up with a jangled classical violin loop.

Although time consuming, Tryptych pushes the limits of contemporary music to a hazy realm that’s unfamiliar yet extremely intriguing.  Check out the video and all three albums if you’re down to take the trip.


Forest Of Evil

Liberation Through Hearing

Voices Of Dust